Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spinach and Beet Smoothies

Another breakfast smoothie to start your day right! And, it doesn't taste gross, I promise! Dessert Fest 2012 wrecked havoc on my tribute to the VS Fashion show/flat abs month, but it was well worth it. This week, I'm trying to get back on track to chock full of veggies and fruits prior to Thanksgiving. We all know I have no self control around delicious home cooked food, but my parents have a juicer so I am hoping to try out a few juice recipe while I am there. 
Of course, I would own heart-shaped plates (thank you Asmi!). I found it fitting for this recipe. This time, I swapped flax seed for chia seeds (top left hand side of the plate). They added a very nutty flavor to my smoothie, I really liked it! You can also soak chia seeds in water, I haven't tried that yet, and I wonder how it would change the texture of the smoothie. 

{See, a normal blender!}

{What? There is spinach in here? It's PINK!}

Spinach and Beet Smoothies, adapted from various sources


  • 2-3 small beets (I use the pre-boiled ones from Trader Joe's - very easy!)
  • 2 handfuls baby spinach (I use the bagged spinach from Trader Joe's)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 handful strawberries (you can use frozen ones)
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tsp. almond butter
  • 2 tsp. whey protein powder 
  • 1 tbsp. chia seeds 
  • 3 ice cubes 
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend a way. Quite a few of you have asked me what blender I use - for these smoothies, I just use my normal run of the mill blender from Bed, Bath, and Beyond! 

I throw this into my blender bottle to tote to work - and it leaves me full till lunch time! 

Now that I have my spinach and kale intake down pat, I'm going to try collard greens. Anyone have any good (raw) recipes? 

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